

The Centre for Environment and Disaster Management (CEDM) Shivaji College, University of Delhi, is a preeminent institute that offers education on environmental issues and disaster management through its training programmes, workshops, conferences, symposia, and extended activities (community awareness, outreach programmes). Towards the end of 2022, the centre was established to advance sustainable development, climate change initiatives, and disaster management goals.

There is a strong relationship between environmental protection and disaster relief. Natural catastrophes, including floods, hurricanes, wildfires, and earthquakes, have risen in frequency and intensity as our world faces increasing environmental issues like climate change, deforestation, pollution, and natural resource depletion. Awareness and education on environmental concerns and disaster management, particularly disaster risk reduction, are two of the most important contributions of the CEDM. The CEDM's mission is to increase environmental protection and disaster resilience by educating individuals, communities, and policymakers through research, training, and capacity-building activities.

We look forward to getting support from all stakeholders to impact society through sustainable practices and to initiate waves of changes in our worldview toward the environment.

Prof. Pratima Rani Sardar
Director, CEDM, Shivaji College
University of Delhi